Happy Today!!

During my 10+ year wedding anniversary/work training trip to Las Vegas my husband grew tired of my complaints about my job. I was emphatic that I would not quit as the work perks were great but not all of the people I worked with were – let’s just say fun.

He asked me to write out my dream job description during a break in my workshop and to tell him about it when we got back together. I did it and we talked, laughed and dreamed together about that dream job.

Then he said, since you believe you will eventually be fired, what would you do for a job if you lost it today. Again I was to write this down and tell him at our next “couple time” session. And wouldn’t you know it again we laughed and I continued to dream.

Now let me give you some historical context, I knew I would not last at my job as I was part of the incoming CEOs team. When a new CEO took over, I knew I could possibly be laid off to make room for their personal team.

Fast forward almost five years from that week and I perform all the job duties in my dream job description. My dream life post firing, I am living down to the work from home requirement and the salary. My list of non-negotiable factors are my everyday.

I have the home I wanted.

I work the schedule I want.

I choose my projects.

I am available for my family.

These things combined prove to me the power of journaling. I truly believe that I began to focus on those goals that I wrote down because I wrote them down. I worked on them because I made them a priority and I prepared my life, family, mind and time (not in this exact order). Then I gave my desires to God and let him prepare my spirit.

When I packed my childrens’ luggage for our Spring Break Trip a folded piece of paper fell out of a purse I hadn’t bothered to use for a while. I fact the last time I used it was on that anniversary trip. As I peeled back the pages, the writing was blurred but the one part which was visible made me smile.

It read – Take my family on a Disney Cruise.

Today I checked off another experience for 2022 and the final goal I wrote in 2015. It wasn’t easy but we did it.

As I sit in the airport awaiting my twice delayed flight, I am eternally grateful for my journal minded husband who strongly suggested I make a job description and life plan.

This year has filled me with gratitude and I am laser focused on the things which enhance life. Time to write a new life plan.

Til next time,

“Our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death.” – Robin Williams

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