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The Recommendation of the Month: It’s An App

Let’s get the confession out the way before we go any further:  I am not and have never been a technology geek.  I know just enough to get by in this world of rapidly changing technology.  As a matter of fact I only came into the smart phone revolution after my phone carrier told me they would no longer service my Analog phone.  Now I can’t imagine how I was able to survive so long without one.  My phone is my music player, movie theater, library, notepad, calendar, calculator ……  It also introduced me to one of my favorite apps and my recommendation of the month:  the Pulse App.

The Pulse News App is on my top three list of favorite apps because it allows me to read articles from my favorite websites in one area.  I can share articles with others via social media as well as sync with my other productivity apps such as EVERNOTE.  And the best part!  I can sync my Pulse account with my Google Reader account.  Now I know this seems a little simplistic and ordinary in the grand scheme of things but here’s why I love this app:  During the time in which I wait for my morning coffee to brew, I can read two – three articles from Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, or Dilbert.    This allows me to stay current on news and have a quick laugh as I start my day.

There is an option to catch the highlights from the game as well as obtain new recipes for the next Meatless Monday.  If I want celebrity gossip that is available as well.  Basically this app allows me to turn my waiting time into educational time.  One more step in the right direction of empowering myself to achieve my dreams.  Finally, it’s Free.  Gotta like a free App.  Take a few minutes out of your day and  check out the Pulse App in your App Store or online.  Add your desired content and turn your wait time into Empowerment Time.

Til next time,

“Action expresses priorities” – Mohandas Gandhi 

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